I was shopping at Kohl’s recently and I had my cane with me, a gift from my daughter. I was browsing in the petite section of the store and I hung my cane on a nearby rack so I could look around more easily. It wasn’t long before I went to retrieve it, but it was nowhere to be found. I was thinking, how can this be?

My husband was waiting for me outside and I sent him a text asking him to come help me look for my cane. The petite section is small so he was thinking we’ll find it, no problem. We both looked and looked. No cane.

I went to customer service and they made an announcement for the sales associates in the petite section to look also. Nothing. Customer service said the cleaning staff will find it and return it to us if it’s in the store. So I left my name and phone number with them, hoping it would turn up.

For the next three weeks we prayed. I prayed to the Lord and said… “Lord, Your eyes see that cane right now, and I find that to be amazing. Please return it to me. If someone stole it, bring conviction and let them have no peace until they return it. If it fell under a rack somewhere, let it be found by someone.” I also prayed that if it was stolen, and the person was fearful of returning it, that they would just quietly return it to the spot where it was taken.

I prayed everyday the same thing. As I said, this went on for three weeks, and I would stop by the store every so often to see if my cane was returned. No cane.

Then the phone call came. “Hello, this is Kohl’s, someone found your cane in the petite section and brought it to customer service.”


The cane was a gift, and it’s not good to lose a gift. But even so, it’s not so much about the cane, but the nearness of the Lord I felt when my prayer was answered!

I may never know where that cane was for three weeks, but If it was stolen and returned, I’m praying that person would sense the power of God in this whole episode, leading them to seek the Lord and His glorious salvation!

Matthew 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

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