1. Thanks so much for this. People have become complacent, for the most part but Rome has not changed. The idea of an Inquisition Museum is a good one. I remember going on a church trip (I was very young and not a Christian at the time) to Edinburgh in Scotland. They took us on a tour of “torture implements” used by the R.C. church back in the day – and I was horrified, to be honest. People use expressions like “putting on the thumb screws” in their office today, not realising the origin of that expression. There were “thumb screw” and “stretching racks” on display in the little museums off those narrow cobbled streets back then. I hope they’re still there. It is horrific that this went on for CENTURIES and yet many “Christians” don’t even read their Bibles. I thank God that He has assisted me to read it right through many times. We should never forget what dear souls went through to put it in our hands.

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  2. Thanks for posting this excellent video, Cathy. Today’s ecumenical evangelical pastors don’t talk about the Inquisition or about the Reformation. At our bi-monthly church small group meeting yesterday, there was some discussion of Martin Luther, but one woman was perplexed. She has been a member of our “evangelical Protestant” church for many years, but said she had never heard of Luther. Billy referenced a couple of books by John Bunyan Wilder and I was able to purchase them through Amazon this morning.

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    • Thank you, Tom. “Never heard of Matin Luther”. That’s beyond sad. Many who sit in church today rely completely on what their pastors tell them from the pulpit. It ends there. I wonder how many have even read through the New Testament. I’m glad you were able to buy those books. Billy was so happy he was able to purchase the books he mentioned in the video. You really have to dig because books like that are obviously not popular.

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      • Yup, critical analyses of the RCC are rare and becoming rarer. I’m grateful for Amazon 3rd party used booksellers and other internet resources for out-of-print books on RC-ism.

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