Giuseppe Lino DeMarco

I wrote the following in 2012…

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I was inspired to write this poem because of a brief moment that my father and I shared remembering a night from my childhood. He was in his 90’s at the time and in a wheelchair. He died in 2010 and I miss him. Love your parents and bless them, for the opportunity to do them good will soon be gone and all you will have left is a memory…


We remembered together,
A time so long ago,
When we walked in the cold night,
The ground covered with snow.

I was just a little girl,
The snow up to my knee,
I was held up in his arms,
The rest of our journey.

The present seemed forgotten,
As this memory we shared,
A father and his grown child,
Remembering that he cared.

So many years have gone by,
This world he does not know,
But still I can remember,
That cold night long ago.

Cathy White 2012 ©

Matthew 19:19 Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.


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