church interior

Mark. 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

My mom’s brother, my uncle, had two supernatural (unbiblical) experiences that I know of. He was a devout Roman Catholic. It wasn’t easy witnessing to him. He is long gone now, but it still saddens me to think about this all these years later. Signs and wonders never validate a false gospel regardless of how “good” they may appear.

To the best of my recollection this is what happened…

My uncle’s young son, my cousin, developed a brain tumor the size of an orange. After surgery he was in a coma. My uncle prayed (not sure to who) but he said Francis of Assisi appeared to him in a vision and told him not to worry, that his son would recover. My cousin recovered.

The other supernatural (unbiblical) experience was when my aunt, his wife, was having a difficult pregnancy. My uncle was in church one day and he said a voice spoke to him from one of the statues (I think it was the statue of a pope). He was told not to worry, his wife would be alright, she would have the child, and it would be a boy. It all came to pass.

My uncle would send donations to a church in Italy. He told me once that he sent a donation for the replacement (or repair) of the church doors. He said maybe then God would open the doors of heaven to let him in. He was never taught the genuine Gospel in the Roman Catholic Church. 😢

In the late 1980’s my husband and I were born again and saved out of the Roman Catholic Church. One of the first things we did was buy Bibles for our families. I gave my uncle a Bible in Italian, and one day when I was visiting I found him reading about Joseph in the book of Genesis. It made him weep. He was a religious man, but I’m sad to say that I don’t know if he ever received our Gospel witness.

I recently heard Roman Catholicism clearly validated in an evangelical church service. I wonder if anyone brought their Catholic relative or a friend to church that day to hear the true Gospel. Instead, Roman Catholicism was clearly portrayed as genuine Christianity. I was so grieved.

Ezekiel 13:22 Because with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad; and strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, by promising him life:



  2. Thanks for this post. It’s sad that Catholics cling to religious experiences and familiarity and resist God’s Word. My family members consider the Bible to be “a bunch of myths and fairy tales.”
    It’s also sad and pathetic that “evangelical Protestant” pastors embrace the RCC with its false gospel of works righteousness as a Christian institution.

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  3. Seduction and betrayal are apt titles for this Cathy. It’s so frustrating for people who have come out of this heinous system but see loved ones still deceived by it. And the betrayal is vile too… very disheartening to hear Roman Catholicism being proclaimed from pulpits where the truth may once have gone out.


    • Yes, it is very frustrating and disheartening, Elizabeth. Most of our family are Roman Catholic. Years ago they rejected our clear gospel witness but we still pray for their salvation. The gospel seed was sown. We are praying for the pastor of the local church I mentioned in the post. Only the Lord can open his eyes.

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