When my husband and I were born again in the late 1980’s, it wasn’t long before we became aware of the compromise within the evangelical/Protestant church regarding Roman Catholicism. We spoke to several pastors over the years regarding this, but our testimony was not received. Because of that we turned to the internet in 2007 (SOUL REFUGE & PEACEMAKERS etc.) shouting out the truth and a warning to anyone willing to hear. Today, I listened to a Sunday morning service on the importance of truth, preached from a church that is known worldwide. This is what I heard…

“In 1931 there was an essay written by a minister named Fulton Sheen. Listen to these words, this is what he said…

Tolerance applies only to people but never to truth. About the truth we must become intolerant…Right is right if nobody is right…and wrong is wrong if everybody is wrong.

And he (Fulton Sheen) said in this day and age we need not a church that is right when the world is right but a church that is right when the world is wrong.”

For those who are not aware, Bishop Fulton Sheen was a devout Roman Catholic bishop deeply devoted to Mary. He was an idolator, believed and promoted Marian apparitions, and preached a counterfeit gospel. (Google his name.) Isn’t it strange (demonic) that the senior pastor would choose to reference Fulton Sheen as a contender for truth in his sermon on Biblical truth? All those on chat during the livestream sermon had nothing but praise for the pastor and his preaching. Surely there must be some who have discernment regarding this crucial matter, or maybe they were blocked as I was.

Ezekiel 13:22 Because with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad; and strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, by promising him life: