A woman in the supermarket parking lot looked at my husband’s t-shirt and read it out loud saying… You must be born again John 3:7yes, yes, we must be born again, we’re born again every day I’m Catholic. Then she said she would never go to the Vatican again, and something about the Pope being Antichrist! This was all before my husband uttered a word!

We had the opportunity to witness to her and give snippets of our testimony. (You can only say so much in these brief encounters.) She had friends who were non-denominational. I asked her what they said to her about her Catholicism. They told her not to pray to the “saints”. She said that she can’t give up the “saints” or praying to “Mary” and “Joseph” because they have done so much for her, especially in difficult times. She also said she was confident that God is there for her. I asked her if she read the Bible and she said that sometimes she did. I told her to read it every day with an open heart, starting with the Gospel of John. She took the little Bible booklet that we offered her.

She was a really nice young woman, she listened, but didn’t seem open to what we were saying. I got the impression that at some point she may have been contemplating leaving the Catholic Church but has decided not to. I pray the seeds we planted will bear good fruit someday. As we drove home I felt like weeping because of the strong delusion this woman was under.

So called answered prayer deceives many because they don’t know the Scriptures. See… SEDUCTION AND BETRAYAL

The Jesus of Roman Catholicism is not the Jesus of the Bible. (Someone needs to tell the ecumenical Pastors and ministers that!)


We went fishing again today… in our garage!

We were in our garage on our way to pick up some Chinese food when one of our neighbors happened to walk by. He stopped to chat and said he liked the magnetic bumper sticker on the back of our car (John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.) An opportunity had presented itself for Billy to witness, a Divine appointment. During the conversation he asked our neighbor if he were to die tonight why should God let him into heaven. Our neighbor’s reply was because he was good. Billy said there are none good, except one, Our neighbor said… except Mary. Billy went on share Jesus with him and the appropriate salvation Scriptures.

Learn the truth about the false gospel of Roman Catholicism, and witness to a Roman Catholic. You’ll find some helpful information at SOUL REFUGE.

Matthew 4:19 And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.

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Remember the Reformation

Remember the Martyrs


It was so refreshing to watch this video! Contrast the content of this video with the call for unity with Rome that’s coming from the church in our day. The call for unity will appear more evil than we already know it to be. It did for me.


Whenever we’re out and about I look for opportunities to give out my little Bible booklet tracts. I usually give them to the store employees, and for the most part they are well received. Today as we finished up our shopping at the supermarket, Billy went to the self checkout. One of the items wasn’t scanning, and a worker came over to help. I reached into my purse to get a tract so I would be ready to give it to her when she was done. She took it and said she would read it. Billy had his Gospel t-shirt on, and seeing it she said… I believe in Jesus Christ. I asked… are you born again. She said… no, I’m Catholic. 🤦‍♀️

I told her I was nondenominational, but that I had been a Catholic for many years. I said when I started reading the Bible I learned that what the Catholic Church taught was not what Jesus taught and I came out. She said she had a friend that was nondenominational and her friend went to church with her. I’m not sure, but it sounded as if her nondenominational friend occasionally went to the Catholic Church with her, unless I misunderstood.

We only had a few items to scan, and our conversation was very short. It’s amazing how much you can say in a couple of minutes. I ended with asking her if she had a Bible and to read chapter three in the Gospel of John. I told her to read the Bible, and she would be led out too.

I left wondering if I could have done better with the limited time that I had with her. But then again when I was being evangelized, a few short words sent me searching. It’s painful to know that many if not most Protestants don’t see the need to evangelize Roman Catholics.

The Gospel t-shirt and Bible booklet…